Using the new Clinical Academic Training and Careers Hub


Welcome to the new Clinical Academic Training Hub (CATCH) website. It has been designed in order to provide useful information for health professionals interested in or beginning a career in clinical academia.

The information is organised into three sections.

  • The About us section describes the aims of CATCH and why the site was created.
  • In Discover Clinical Academia, we explore the importance of clinical academic careers, what the role entails, and the section includes interviews from inspiring clinical academics.
  • The Training and Careers section contains information on the many opportunities available to enter clinical academia for different professions. You should note that while the information in this section aims to describe some common routes into clinical academia, it is by no means exhaustive.

We hope you find the new website useful. If you see any information on the website which looks incorrect, or if you come across any links which don't work, or would like to share feedback on how we can improve the website, you are very welcome to raise this through the Contact us page.

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